• Pierlugi Parodi I
    Untitled I
    Signed lower left.
    55” x 71” (140 x 180 cm)

Pierluigi Parodi, born in Genoa, Italy, in 1933, was a versatile artist who excelled in various disciplines including design, painting, tapestry making, and engraving. However, it was in the realm of tapestry that he truly left his mark, starting in 1964 when he created his first tapestry works.

Parodi’s artistic style encompassed a wide range, spanning from figurative compositions characterized by well-defined flat colors to highly abstract tapestries where the colors transitioned into softer tones with diluted spots. This versatility allowed him to explore different visual expressions and push the boundaries of his creativity.

In his figurative tapestries, Parodi skillfully employed vibrant and bold colors, creating compositions that captured the essence of his subjects with clarity and precision. His use of well-defined flat colors added a sense of visual impact to these works, making them visually striking and engaging.

On the other hand, Parodi’s abstract tapestries revealed a different facet of his artistic vision. Here, he played with subtler color palettes, incorporating softer tones and diluted spots that gave the compositions a sense of fluidity and depth. Through his abstract tapestries, Parodi invited viewers to explore their own interpretations, allowing for a more personal and subjective engagement with the artwork.

Pierluigi Parodi’s artistic journey took him beyond the borders of São Paulo, Brazil, where he actively participated in various group exhibitions. Noteworthy among these were his contributions to the 1st and 2nd MAM Tapestry Triennale, held in São Paulo. These exhibitions provided a platform for Parodi to showcase his talent and share his unique perspective on tapestry art.

However, Parodi’s artistic reach extended far beyond his home country. His works transcended geographical boundaries, making their way to exhibitions in the United States and Europe. Through these international showcases, Parodi’s tapestries gained recognition on a global scale, captivating audiences with their artistic vision and technical prowess.

By participating in exhibitions both in São Paulo and abroad, Parodi not only showcased his talent to a diverse range of viewers but also contributed to the cultural exchange and dialogue between different artistic communities. His presence in these shows underscored his significance as an artist with a universal appeal, whose works resonated with audiences worldwide.

Overall, Pierluigi Parodi’s contributions to the art of tapestry were marked by his ability to navigate between figurative and abstract expressions, demonstrating his mastery of color and composition. His works continue to captivate audiences, inviting them to delve into the rich and diverse world of tapestry art.


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