• Lia Maria Galvão Valdetaro
    Geometrical floral elements on a blue background.
    56” x 46” (142 x 117 cm)

Lia Maria Galvão Valdetaro, a Rio de Janeiro native, is an accomplished artist whose creative journey has encompassed various artistic mediums. After graduating from the National School of Fine Arts, she initially devoted herself to ceramics, murals, and tiles before eventually venturing into the captivating realm of tapestry in 1963. Throughout her career, Lia has left an indelible mark on the art world, showcasing her talent and garnering recognition through notable exhibitions and accolades.

In 1967, Lia Valdetaro held a solo exhibition at Galeria Portinari in Lima, Peru, providing a platform for her artistic expression and introducing her unique tapestry creations to an international audience. This exhibition not only demonstrated her artistic prowess but also served as a testament to her ability to captivate viewers with her intricate and captivating tapestries.

Another significant milestone in Lia’s career came in 1976 when she showcased her work at the Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro. This exhibition provided a local platform for art enthusiasts and admirers to experience Lia’s tapestries firsthand, further establishing her presence and artistic contribution within the Rio de Janeiro art scene.

In the same year, Lia Valdetaro’s talent and dedication were recognized as she earned the prestigious 1st prize at the Tapestry Hall of the Clube Naval. This accolade not only affirmed her technical skill and artistic vision but also reinforced her status as a prominent figure in the field of tapestry art.

Lia Valdetaro’s artistic journey is characterized by a commitment to pushing artistic boundaries and a relentless pursuit of creative excellence. Her intricate tapestries reflect a meticulous attention to detail, as well as a profound understanding of color, texture, and composition. With each piece, she skillfully weaves together threads of imagination and craftsmanship to create visual narratives that resonate with viewers.

Through her participation in exhibitions and her achievements, Lia Valdetaro has solidified her place in the tapestry art world, leaving a lasting impact on both the local and international artistic communities. Her dedication to her craft and her ability to transform threads into captivating works of art continue to inspire and captivate art enthusiasts around the world.


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