• Madalena-Santos-Reinbolt 1
    Madalena Santos Reinbolt
    33,5” x 50” / 85 x 126 cm

Madalena Santos Reinbolt (1919-1977), born in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, possessed a remarkable artistic talent akin to the renowned Bayeux tapestry. However, her creations diverged from traditional tapestry, as she employed 154 needles, each meticulously threaded for an hour, to craft her exquisite “wool pictures.” Madalena’s unique approach transformed her works into ornate fabric pieces, akin to embroidered paintings, as she deftly used the needles like brushstrokes on burlap or cloth. This technique allowed her to create dynamic surfaces, enhanced by the versatile orientation of her stitched rows. To add depth and texture, she strategically applied clusters of mesh or thread, particularly seen in the intricate foliage of her tree depictions.

The true magnificence of Madalena’s artistry shone when she embroidered on burlap, which became the primary support for most of her works. The irregular and flexible weave of the fabric seamlessly accommodated the direction of her needle’s stitches and perfectly complemented the expressive nature of her work. Drawing from her deep connection to the rural life of Bahia’s interior, Madalena’s artistic representation exuded a sense of nostalgia and a celebration of simpler times. Through her embroidered figures, she painted a vivid tapestry of celestial bodies—astros, sun, moon, and stars. Her intimate knowledge of the local fauna allowed her to capture the intricate details of a diverse array of birds, while her artwork also featured animals like oxen, sheep, elephants, jaguars, and monkeys. She expertly interwove the plant kingdom, showcasing various shapes and textures, breathing life into her compositions. Furthermore, her imaginative genesis merged men and women seamlessly into the cosmic tapestry of existence, transcending time and embracing a timeless connection.

Madalena’s artwork flourished with cultural richness, encapsulating a myriad of experiences. From mystical tales where animals spoke and monkeys imparted wisdom about satiating hunger with fruits from the Pai Bié Tree, to the influence of Catholicism and the evolving worldview shaped by modern communication and bustling urban centers, her creations embodied the amalgamation of these diverse influences. It is through her art that she inscribed her unique narrative on the world, employing the language of embroidery to communicate profound stories and emotions.

Born on a small farm in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Madalena ventured beyond her hometown at a young age, working as a maid in various cities such as Salvador, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Petrópolis. It was in Petrópolis where she found encouragement and support for her artistic endeavors. Employed as a housekeeper by Lota Macedo Soares, Madalena embarked on her artistic journey, exploring her creativity and nurturing her immense talent.

Madalena Santos Reinbolt’s artistry transcended the boundaries of conventional tapestry, transforming her works into captivating fabric paintings. Through her intricate embroidery, she evoked the essence of rural life, weaving a rich tapestry of colors, textures, and stories that continue to inspire and captivate audiences to this day.



A Head Full of Planets

Collective Exhibitions (Brazil):
2021-2022 Carolina Maria de Jesus: Um Brasil para os brasileiros, Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS Paulista), São Paulo
2021-2022 3 Frestas, Trienal das Artes, SESC Sorocaba, São Paulo
2021 Terra e Temperatura, Almeida e Dale, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
2020 Mulheres na Arte Popular, Galeria Estação, São Paulo
2006-2007 Viva Cultura Viva do Povo Brasileiro, Museu Afro Brasil, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
2000 Arte Popular: Mostra do Redescobrimento, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo: Associação Brasil 500 anos Artes Visuais, São Paulo,SP
1991 A Mata, Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC/USP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil

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