• Jacques-Douchez-Natale-1
    Woven form.
    Signed Atelier Douchez Nicola, Brazil 1977.
    59" x 53” (150 x 135 cm)

Jacques Douchez, a tapestry maker and painter, was born in Mâcon, France, in 1921, and later relocated to São Paulo, Brazil, in 1947. His artistic journey unfolded with his integration into the Atelier-Abstração, led by Samson Flexor, starting from 1951. With his abstract paintings, he made notable appearances in the 2nd São Paulo Biennial and the 1st Exhibition of the Atelier-Abstraction at the Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB/SP) in 1953.

Douchez ventured into tapestry production in 1957 and co-founded the Ateliê Douchez-Nicola alongside Norberto Nicola. His tapestries garnered attention at the 7th, 8th, and 9th São Paulo Biennials. As time progressed, his pieces evolved from two-dimensional to three-dimensional forms. In 1974, he participated in the 1st Brazilian Tapestry Show in São Paulo, further solidifying his presence in the art scene.

During the 1970s and 1980s, Douchez exhibited his works at prestigious events such as the São Paulo Biennial, the Medellín Biennial, the Lausanne Tapestry Biennial, the São Paulo Tapestry Triennial (where he won first prize in two subsequent editions), and the Lodz Triennale. Additionally, he held several solo exhibitions, showcasing his artistic prowess.

In 1980, the Ateliê Douchez-Nicola concluded its activities, but Douchez continued to produce woven sculptures. In 1989, the Múltipla de Arte Gallery in São Paulo hosted the exhibition “Jacques Douchez – Woven Sculptures,” which highlighted his remarkable creations. In the 1990s, he returned to painting, consistently gravitating towards abstraction. In 2003, two significant exhibitions, “Plano e Relevo” at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (Pesp) and “Woven Sculptures” at the BM&F Brasil Cultural Space in São Paulo, showcased his artistic journey.



The Fire Birds Will Take Flight Again

Solo Exhibitions

1959 – São Paulo SP – Solo, at the Folhas Art Gallery
1963 – Rio de Janeiro – Individual, at MAM/RJ
1963 – São Paulo SP – Solo, at Astréia Gallery
1965 – Lima (Peru) – Solo, at Galeria Portinari
1968 – Rio de Janeiro RJ – Solo, at Bonino Gallery
1975 – São Paulo SP – Solo, at Documenta Gallery
1976 – Washington (United States) – Individual, at the American-Brazilian Cultural Institute
1977 – Santos SP – Individual, at Clube XV
1979 – São Paulo SP – Woven Sculptures, at the Multiple Art Gallery
1981 – Campos do Jordão SP – Jacques Douchez: Tapestries, at the Cláudio Santoro Auditorium, on the occasion of the Campos do Jordão Winter Festival
1982 – Curitiba PR – 20 Years of Tapestry, at MAC/PR
1984 – São Paulo SP – The Woven Sculpture by Douchez, at the Arte Aplicada Gallery
1984 – Campinas SP – The Woven Sculpture by Douchez, at the Centro de Convivência Cultural de Campinas
1987 – Jundiaí SP – Solo, at the Historical and Cultural Museum of Jundiaí – Solar do Barão
1989 – São Paulo SP – Woven Sculptures, at the Multiple Art Gallery
2003 – São Paulo SP – Jacques Douchez: plan and relief, at Pinacoteca do Estado
2003 – São Paulo SP – Woven Sculptures, at the BM&F Cultural Space
2003 – Santos SP – Woven Sculptures, at Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto



Purchase Inquiry for the Jacques Douchez Collection